Registration and login

How do I create an account for this website?

To be eligible for a personal account on this website, you should be a staff member of a National Equality Body. Please follow this link to register and find all further instructions. 

I have a website account, but forgot my password. How can I recover my password?

To recover your password, please use the 'reset your password' section in the log in area. 

I have a website account, but forgot my user name. How can I recover my user name?

When you registered for this website, you should have received a notification email containing your user name. Should you not have this email anymore, you can enter the email address linked to your account in the 'reset your password' section in the log in area. The  password reset instructions will be sent to your registered email address and you can recover your account.

How can I delete my account to this website?

If you wish to delete your account you can do so by clicking on your user name in the navigation bar on top of the page. From there, you can choose the 'Edit profile' option and at the bottom of the page, you will see the red button saying 'cancel account'. 


How can I engage in the forum?

To be able to see the forum discussions and participate in them, you need to be logged in with your personal account. If you do not have an account yet and are working for a National Equality Body, you can register here.

Privacy Policy

How is my personal data being handled on this website?

Equinet is committed to safeguarding the privacy of its website visitors and service users. 

This policy applies to all personal data processed by Equinet, registered at Rue Royale 138, 1000 Brussels, Belgium. We strictly limit the processing of your personal information, and work only with other organisations who do the same. Our current website provider is Vertige ASBL, Rue Théodore Verhaegen 158, 1060 Saint-Gilles, Belgium.

In order to deliver its wide variety of services, notably the ones that are reliant on third-party digital services, Equinet has made sure to use the services of only those companies that have reached a proven high level of data privacy and that are GDPR-compliant.