Supporting points for future engagement with CoE on regulating AI in the context of human rights, democracy and rule of law

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In 2020, the Council of Europe CAHAI conducted a feasibility study and made the case for a regulatory framework on artificial intelligence (AI) based on Council of Europe’s standards on human rights, rule of law, and democracy. The CAHAI is now in the process of drafting key potential elements of a future framework and is carrying out a multi-stakeholder consultation process to seek input.

This supporting document is developed to support national equality bodies in Europe in engaging with present and future initiatives by the Council of Europe related to the development of a legal framework on the design, development and application of AI, based on the standards of the Council of Europe on human rights, democracy and the rule of law. As such, it can be used for the immediately forthcoming multi-stakeholder consultation with new deadline of 9 May, but since this is the first of a number of consultation that the CoE is likely to launch on the same topic, if relevant and helpful in your specific context, we encourage you to make use of the below information also for the next stages of the development of CoE’s legal instrument on AI